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Post 14
1.snapchat, target, nike, apple, mcdonalds, android, disney, benz, taco bell, chrome, starbucks, beats, marvels and dc, wendys
2. Can you identify these slogans?
Just do it- nike
You can’t eat just one- lays
Think different- apple
Because you are worth it-
Easy breezy beautiful- covergirl
There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else there’s Mastercard
America runs on doughnuts- dunkin doughnuts
I’m lovin it- mcdonalds
Can you hear me now?- sprint
Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s maybalin
Be all that you can be
Once you pop you cannot stop pringles
3. Discover Indulgence
4.chick fil a lemonade ice cream, Fresh Squeeze Ice cream
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